Monday, September 22, 2008

On The Road VII: Buy Tickets!!!!!

Hey all!

So, we're in Berkeley, CA today passing out match books, posters and postcards as we get ready for our sneak preview screening tonight at Shattuck Cinemas. It's the same theater we'll be opening in on Friday which is exciting because it looks like a really great place to see a movie.

First things first: TICKETS! Over the next 24-48 hours you will be able to go online and buy tickets for this weekends showtimes. In fact, in some theaters where we'll be opening (I'm looking at you, Alamo Drafthouse S. Lamar in Austin!), you can already buy tickets!!! Go to our website ( and click on the "Buy Tickets" link on the bottom right hand corner. From there you can go to the individual theater websites and start buying those tickets.

Also, some of the interviews we've been doing have begun to come online and in print. Here are a few for your perusal and enjoyment.

1. Here is a link to an interview we did with MovieGeeksUnited. You can move your cursor to the 30 minute mark for the start of our interview.

2. This is a newspaper article written on the front page of the entertainment section in the local paper in Santa Rosa, CA: Interview.

3. This is an itunes podcast for "The Warren Report" - a cinematically based podcast originating in the Northwest region: The Warren Report Podcast (warning: it's looooong and uncut.)

Thanks all! See you soooooooon!


Vvta said...

hi D & D !

I just saw your screening at the Shattuck Theatre in Berkeley, and I loved the movie! Wonderful humor, harsh reality, and lots of soul-searching indeed. As a premed student when I heard of this movie, I felt like I totally needed to watch it, because sometimes we just need to hear it and see it for ourselves the idea of really finding that something we know we'd love doing for the rest of our lives... whatever that something is, and wherever that thing hides. So I thank you, for putting it out there for all of us who are trying to not settle for comfort at our places, and step out of that zone to hop on a bus, and leave.

Unfortunately I had to run out to a soccer game right after the movie ended so I didn't get to stay for Q&A -- which I'm sure was awesome and entertaining :) But I did have a question which I'm not sure if you have already explained/answered... that is, how much of this movie and story, is a reflection of you two, and those similar inner struggles that you have gone through? That's of course assuming the movie does speak on your behalf as well. Oh, and how did you learn/hear about Humboldt County and the lost coast? Okay, well, I've got tons of other questions, but I think for now, this much will suffice.

Thanks again for a great film!! And I will for sure tell all my buddies to go out and watch it!

Good luck guys!

Darren Grodsky said...

Great to hear from you. Thanks so much for coming to the screening, and for saying such nice things.

As for your questions, I'll answer the second one first (mostly because I read it most recently). We've come to know Humboldt County, aka the Lost Coast, because I (Darren) have family who moved there a couple decades ago. My aunt and uncle moved into southern Humboldt and settled there. I visited them coutnless times as a kid, and I fell completely in love with the place as one in which I could calm down from the madness of my more urban life and truly center myself. Humboldt, for me growing up, was always a place of relaxation and happiness. As I got older and was more able to observe complexity, I of course realized it wasn't quite that simple and idyllic. That complexity, I think, was one of the reasons we wanted to tell a story set in Humboldt.

As for your other question, we thought it would be super interesting to tell a story about a 20-something who is reflective of our own interpration of people in our own generation (yes, including ourselves) who has grown up in the highly technologically connected world we live in and has to go to this incredibly unlikely place off the grid in order to find himself. As artists ourselves, we find it necessary to constantly pull out the rug from under the comfort and safety in our own lives, so we wanted to tell a story in which that happens to our protagonist and even tell the story in unexpected ways so that we were even 'pulling out the rug' from underneath the audience and its comfort zone.

I hope that long-winded nonsense actually answers your question. Thanks for spreading the word. One thing we forgot to mention yesterday is that we will be back in Berkeley at the Shattuck on Saturday (the late afternoon and early evening screenings) to do more Q&As. So please come back and bring your friends and we'll be happy to answer any and all questions you might have!

Thanks again for your support,


ROAMAN said...

I live in Phoenix, so I'm bummed the film won't be coming my way for a bit, but I just finished watching the trailer and the film looks pretty solid. Well done gentlemen, well done indeed!

I thought that your trailer did give away way too much, however. I feel that you've shown us too many crucial moments and too much key dialogue, right down to the act of defiance that he displays towards his father at the trailer's end. A scene, that I imagine, will be near the end of the film as well. I don't know if there is even a possibility for re-cutting it at this point, but thought you might appreciate the feedback.

Good luck on the road and in New York!

Be well,

Karen said...

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to let you know that we've been hearing a few comments (positive) here in Austin about your movie soon to be at Alamo Drafthouse. One friend mentioned that she'd heard your radio interview and said you did a great job. We've been sending your Your Tube promo and movie website that Jodi forwarded to several folks around town. We can't wait to see it again! You have every reason to feel proud of your accomplishment.

Karen Goodin (Sharon's mom)