So there's a lot going on right now. As you may have noticed, the official "Humboldt County" website has been temporarily been taken down. We're in the midst of retrofitting it to fit MPAA standards and add a host of new features and doohickeys.
Also, Darren mentioned it in the post-script of his previous post but I wanted to write it here. Bigger. And in bold:
Now that's exciting. The downside is that I now can't figure out how to turn the bold off. Well, the rest of this post is going to seem really important. Or maybe you'll just get used to it. Like melting ice caps.
So, once again, to reiterate (because you will be tested), our first week in theaters will be in the following cities/areas:
Austin, Texas
Berkeley, California
Portland, Oregon
Seattle, Washington
San Francisco, California
...and, of course
Humboldt County, California
Hey! I just figured out how to turn the bold off! Neato!!! Anyhoo -- Darren and I are treating the release like a political campaign. A grassroots campaign, to be more specific.
We're pretty sure that never before in the history of cinema has a film literally turned over its marketing efforts to fans themselves. But that's exactly what we want to do. We're a small, independent film without the millions of dollars the big studios spend to market their pictures. There are many cynical movie-lovers (and industry insiders as well) out there that think independent film is dead. They say there is no marketplace for it anymore, that the audiences don't want them, that the age of movie theaters is coming to a close and that the only thing people will go see are the 200 million dollar blockbusters shilled to us every weekend through nonstop commercials and adverts. Well we think that's hogwash. We think that if you have a compelling story, interesting and complex characters and beautiful cinematography that people will come. Oh yes, Ray, people will most definitely come.
But to pull this off...
We're pretty sure that never before in the history of cinema has a film literally turned over its marketing efforts to fans themselves. But that's exactly what we want to do. We're a small, independent film without the millions of dollars the big studios spend to market their pictures. There are many cynical movie-lovers (and industry insiders as well) out there that think independent film is dead. They say there is no marketplace for it anymore, that the audiences don't want them, that the age of movie theaters is coming to a close and that the only thing people will go see are the 200 million dollar blockbusters shilled to us every weekend through nonstop commercials and adverts. Well we think that's hogwash. We think that if you have a compelling story, interesting and complex characters and beautiful cinematography that people will come. Oh yes, Ray, people will most definitely come.
But to pull this off...
So here's what we have in mind - we want to create "Lost Coast Local" city teams that work to spread the word from now until the opening of the film - a get out the vote kind of situation. These teams would meet in their respective cities, plan events (maybe even sneak preview screenings!), send out emails, etc. We'll provide all the materials (postcards, rolling papers, posters) that you'll need. Then, as opening night approaches, the LCL City Teams will be coordinating to get everyone they know to the theater.
Now, we wouldn't ask you to become a part of this if you didn't believe in the film. So we'll be making sure that every LCL City Team gets a special, private opportunity to see the film before anyone else. How could we ask you to organize your networks if you haven't even seen the film?
So that will be just one perk, of many, that will come your way when you join this historic movement to take back cinema.
So how do we proceed? Simple. Let us know if you're interested in helping out (especially if you live in Humboldt, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago or Austin). Email us directly at
Let's take back the multiplex, people. What do you say?
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