We filmed him a little bit for the ending of the VOD promo we're making for HC. He was really down to Earth and cool. Especially when he offered to buy my colon for 25k. I accepted.
After the shoot, which we did guerrilla style right outside the Beverly Hilton in LA, we joined Mark and Peter Bogdanovich for a press conference at the Television Critics Association (TCA) conference. The TCAs are a big, 8-day conference held every year for all the television press to meet, mingle, drink, go to press conferences and drink some more.
Our particular event was focused on Cuban's HDnet movies and the unique business model Magnolia uses to release films into theaters, VOD, and DVD as well as getting the word out about "Humboldt County." We also focused on the quick changing landscape for independent films and the future of watching a new release on an ipod. But mostly, our event was a chance for Darren and I to look like a couple of dummies.
Pictures below
Our producer, Captain Deadpan, in front of the snack table in the green room before the press conference started. He looks scared.
Me pretending like I have something important to say at the podium. Of course, the auditorium is empty at this point.
Look! It's a video feed!!!
Darren and Me and PBogs during the press conference. Can you tell how much Pbogs hates these things? We can.
The money shot. Darren, Me, PBogs, and Mark Cuban. Which two of these are not like the others?
Darren and I trying to answer reporters' questions. I think that here, I'm extolling the virtues of In N' Out over Fatburger.
By for now!
25K for a colon! I remember when you could get two for like 10K, times have changed...
And what's this I read a few posts ago where you guys were accused of being LA assholes? I thought you two were St. Louis assholes. WTF?
Keep up the good shmoozing!
PBogs is thinking, "where is that damn kid with the umbrella, these lights are hella hot."
Yes, PBogs says "hella".
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