Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm...


Things have been a bit slow lately over here on the Humboldt County director's blog. Never fear, this bit o' down time has merely been a chance for us to charge our batteries and gear up for what is to come.

Much like the presidential candidates post-primaries, we're regrouping after the spring of SXSW and preparing for what's coming up next -- and believe me, fall 2008 is going to make spring look like an 8th grade mixer.

I'm not totally sure what that analogy means either, LCLs, but I think it means BIG news is coming, and we're dying to share it with you (can't quite do it yet, but do stay tuned...)

In the meantime, a huge and hearty congratulations to our esteemed and brilliant composer iZLER, who just today received word that he is one of six composers to be invited to this year's Film Composer's Lab over at Sundance!

iZLER's work is one of a thousand reasons we can't wait to share our film with all you LCLs on the big screen. Not that I'm saying that's going to happen. Later this year.


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